Winter/Spring League 22

Best 6 scores from 10.

Please get in touch with if you have a query

Hi All,

Details for the ever-popular winter/spring league are below.

  • Registration is open until 30th January but register early to give yourself the best chance as your scores won’t be counted until you register.
  • N.B The normal weekend competitions will run each week of the league with normal weekend prizes paid.

Winter to Spring League

Details of the Winter/Spring League for 2022. The league will commence on weekend of 8th January and is scheduled to run until 20th March 2022. 

League Format

  • Singles Stableford event.

Top 6 Scores out of 10 will count for Each Player

  • The best 6 scores out of the 10 qualifying weekends will determine your final result.
  • If there is a tie at the end of the League the 7th best score will come into play and so on, until a winner is declared.

Registering a Score

  • Posting a card for the league is confined to cards submitted from golf played during weekend club competitions. (Saturday or Sunday)
  • The League format is run simultaneously with the weekend club competitions.
  • You enter the individual weekend competition as normal, pay the weekend competition entry fee and your score will also be recorded in the League if you are registered.


  • In the interest of fairness, players can only enter one card per weekend.
  • If you play twice over the weekend, your score on the first day of play will count.
  • If you only play one day over the weekend regardless of which day it is, your score will automatically be included. 

League Updates

After each weekend, the scores will be tallied and the league table updated on the members website.

Weather affecting Play

If bad weather affects the course the following rules will apply.

  • If the green keepers declare the course unplayable and the club competition is unable to be played or completed on either Saturday or Sunday, scorecards for the league on that weekend cannot be accepted and therefore the league for that weekend will be null and void.
  • If the green keepers declare one or more holes out of play on any given day and the committee decide to still have a competition then the League for that weekend will stand.
  • If we have inclement weather on a given weekend but the course is open and the competition has not been cancelled, scores will count for the league even if some members decide not to finish their round.


  • You can enter by sending an email to to notify the pro-shop of your interest so they can register you.
  • Your Entry Fee will be deducted from your Competition Purse.
  • The registration process is open now and the final closing date for entries is Sunday 30th January. However, please note that your weekly scores won’t be counted until you register and will not be backdated to beginning of league

Entry Fee is €10

Prizes:  Prizes will be awarded to the top 10 players in the “Winter to Spring League” 2022.

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