Local Rules from 2022
1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
Beyond any hedge, wall or line of white stakes defining the boundary of the course. The ESB compound to the right of the 16th fairway, clubhouse enclosure. The short game area left of the 5th hole. Left of the 6th hole as defined by white stakes. Surrounding the 7th green while playing the 6th hole only. The road to the right of the 10th fairway and beyond the penalty area on the left hand side of 10th fairway running past the left of the 14th tee box.
2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17)
a. Penalty Areas are marked by yellow stakes or lines.
b. Lateral penalty areas are marked by red stakes or lines.
c. Where both stakes are in existence, the line defines the margin.
3. Ground Under Repair (Rule 25-1)
All flowers and shrubbery plantations (except gorse plantations) and areas marked with white lines and areas marked with G.U.R. There are no green-keepers cuttings piled for removal.
4. A ball coming to rest on a tee box or green other than that being played to or from, MUST be lifted and dropped at the nearest point of relief, without penalty.
5. Immovable obstructions close to putting green: In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, when a ball lies in the general area, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is: on the player’s line of play, is within two club-lengths of the putting green and is within two club-lengths of the ball. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b. (Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)
6. Fixed Sprinkler heads
All fixed sprinkler heads are immovable obstructions and relief from interference by them may be obtained under Rule 16.1 .In addition, if such an obstruction on the line of play between the ball and the hole, the player may obtain relief , without Penalty as follows: If the ball lies off the putting green but not in a hazard and is within two club lengths of the intervening obstruction, it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which a)is not nearer the hole, b) avoids such interventions and c) is not in a hazard or on a putting green.
7. Provisional Ball in a Penalty Area
You may now play a provisional ball on holes 6, 9 & 18 if you are unsure if your ball is in the penalty area. Under Rule 18.3, a player is not allowed to play a ball provisionally if it is known or virtually certain that his or her ball is in a penalty area but in unusual cases, the size, shape or location of a penalty area may be such that:
• The player cannot see whether the ball is in the penalty area,
• It would unreasonably delay play if the player had to go forward to look for the ball before returning to play another ball under penalty of stroke and distance, and
• If the original ball is not found, it would be known or virtually certain that the ball is in the penalty area.
N.B. It must be clear however that even if you see your ball lands over the lake on hole 18 and it falls back into the penalty area, you cannot take relief at that point as they are YELLOW Stakes, but must instead return to the Tee, the dropping zone, or back in line with the original entry point
8. The following ‘RIGHT OF WAY’ guidance is issued effective on the 17th Fairway.
- All players playing the 17th Fairway WILL have right of way to proceed safely from tee box to the green.
- If golfers teeing off from the 8th tee box hit their tee shot onto the 17th fairway(or surrounding rough) they MUST yield to All those players who are on the 17th hole already or until they are out range past the green side bunkers and the tree guarding the green.
- Only when it is safe to do so , may those playing the 8th hole should proceed to hit their 2nd shots back onto the 8th Fairway.
9. Non Qualifying Golf ONLY
During Club Competitions, members may be permitted to mark their ball whilst in a bunker, lift it, rake the affected area and replace the ball and then proceed to take ones shot thereafter during non-qualifying golf only.