The association aims to promote both social and competitive golf activities with a view to developing a friendly and pleasant environment in which members can meet and play a round of golf.
The members meet every Thursday morning from 9am onward and registration for each day’s golf is through the Chronogolf system which ensures that everyone gets an opportunity to play with as wide a range of members as possible. All members of Castleknock golf club who are over 60 are eligible to join the association on payment of an annual subscription. However, in order to maintain the social aspect of the association, it was decided that a cap of 84 paid up members be fixed as the maximum number of members in the association.
To maintain your membership, your subscription must be paid by the 28th of February of each year.
Please note that a waiting list has been established for those wishing to join when availability occurs. An Application for membership must be made on the PGA Application Form, available on request from a committee member. An applicant must have a minimum of 8 competition rounds -played in Castleknock Golf Club- on his Golf Ireland record before he can apply for membership.
The association’s Annual General Meeting is held in January.
Pursuant with the aims of the association, it is expected that as a courtesy to all, that members will remain after the golf for good-natured bonhomie and most importantly the presentation of prizes. The committee will as always endeavour to perform the presentations as quickly as possible, depending on how quick the scorecards can be checked and verified.
The Committee will arrange and run a variety of different golfing formats during the year, including approximately 4 away trips to courses of eminence and consequence. We encourage all members to participate in these events and information about golf events will be posted on the Club’s website as they arise.
Slow Play Principles
The association encourages prompt play and the maintenance of a reasonable tempo and our esteemed committee have the authority to ask you to speed up play if required. We ask you to respect the committees’ role and give them your full admiration, adulation and acclaim.
The decision of the committee in relation to the flow of play on the course is binding on all golfers. In extreme or persistent cases of slow play, you may be asked to forfeit the hole you’re playing and move to the next tee box. This is done only as a last resort, to ensure other golfers do not suffer from the actions of a few miserable gits and is in preference to hanging, drawing and quartering that some of the committee and membership feel is justified.
Handicaps and handicapping for Winter.
The committee has decided that winter golf will be played over the first 15 holes and from the green tees. The 15 hole course has been set up on the computer in the pro-shop and the indices recalculated accordingly. A new scorecard for the 15 holes will be on the desk in the pro-shop.
The handicaps are updated, based on the result of the previous week. Your “handicap index” will be reduced by 2 shots if you win your category and by 1 shot if you are second or third in your category.
Exceptional scores for 15 holes: => than 37 points gets an additional 1 shot penalty.
0.5 shots returned when a penalised player plays without winning a prize
Remember: All players play off their PGA handicaps.
Disputes, Complaints & Clarifications:
All disputes, complaints and requests for clarification shall be addressed to the Committee as soon as practicable. Committee decisions in these matters are final and shall be binding on all parties.
Regulations and principles governing conduct and procedure within the Porterstown Golf Association
Pace of Play
Golfers, golf clubs and competition organizers have differing views on what constitutes acceptable pace of play, but they are all agreed that slow play detracts from the enjoyment of the game for far too many players. There is a responsibility therefore on all players to ensure that golf is played at a good pace and a pace appropriate to their fellow members.
In line with the above, it would be appreciated if members who are unable to complete a round in 4:15 or better, that they sign into the bottom half of the time sheet.
On the Course
All players must maintain their place in the field, which is immediately behind the group in front and not ahead of the group behind. This is a group responsibility and not an individual one. All members should be proactive in addressing the slow play problem.
Should your group fall a clear hole behind (e.g. you are on the tee of a par four or par 5 hole and the previous group has already left the green) and it is delaying the group behind, please invite the group behind to play through (irrespective of the number of players in that group).
No more than 3 minutes is allowed to search for a ball. If you can’t find your ball in 3 minutes you must proceed under normal rules of golf. If more than one ball needs to be found, split up and search for all the balls at the same time.
Fishing for golf balls, other than your own or a fellow member in the group, is not acceptable especially if it holds up the pace of play.
If you hit a ball that you think may be hard to find, or it may be out of bounds, hit a provisional ball.
Go to your ball and get ready to hit your next shot as soon as it is feasible to do so but not impeding another player’s shot or endangering yourself. Don’t always wait for your playing partner to play before going to your ball.
Short hitters should tee off first and you should walk briskly between shots.
Leave your golf bag strategically placed to the side of the green nearest the next tee.
Try and demonstrate courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive you may be – this is essentially the SPIRIT OF THE GAME
On the Green
When you reach the green, move to your ball and repair any pitch marks. Where possible, line up your putt prior to your turn to putt. If your ball needs to be marked, then do it as quickly as you can. Anticipate the requirements of your fellow player. Move back and line up your putt.
Except in match play or where you will stand on someone else’s lie, when you start putting, continue until you have holed out if possible. If you can no longer score on a hole, pick up your ball and let others continue. Players should proceed to the next tee without delay.
Cards should be marked as quickly as possible after completing the hole, but it is best to mark the cards at the next tee. Please mark your card when it is not your turn to play.
Pitch Marks & Divots
We pride ourselves on the condition of our amazing greens throughout the year. However, such playing surfaces can only be maintained if all golfers repair their pitch marks on the green. We would encourage all members to take a bag of sand to fill all divots made on the fairway. We ask you to ensure that all players within your group adhere to this policy.
A round of golf is a tonne of fun. Eighteen holes on a sunny day is arguably the best way to while away four or five hours, but if you end up spending that time with an irritating playing partner, it can be a hard slog.
How do you make sure you’re not ‘that’ guy? Well, if you can avoid these annoying habits, you’ll be on the right track.
Talking too much
Friendly conversation is part and parcel of a day on the links, but try not to talk about yourself too much.
It’s also poor form to ask your playing partners 101 questions about their own lives. It can be mentally exhausting to be interrogated during what was supposed to be a relaxing round of golf.
Also, as the round progresses, no one wants to hear you dissect every single golf swing and where it went wrong. Let the chat flow naturally and give others the space to enjoy their own round.
Oh, and before we forget, whatever you do, don’t ever talk during another golfer’s swing. The poorest of poor form.
Playing too slowly
To help maintain the pace of play, while others are playing their shot, you can be preparing for yours. Decide on the best club for the job and survey the scene ahead. Not only will this help keep things moving along, but you’ll also feel more zoned in on your target when it’s your turn to hit.
Employ your pre-shot routine but try to keep it short. Follow your own process, include no more than a couple of practice swings, and then you should be addressing the golf ball ready to hit.
If you’re ill-prepared for your shot, or if you have a lengthy pre-shot routine that leaves your buddies impatiently waiting their turn, your circle of playing partners could quickly dwindle.
Losing your temper
Golf is a bamboozling game at times, but becoming Mr Angry on the golf course will only wreck your scorecard further and endear you to absolutely no one. Throwing clubs, cussing after every shot and god-awful temper tantrums are all a sure-fire way to alienate yourself from your playing partners.
Everyone is out there for a fun round away from the stresses of everyday life. During those four hours at the weekend, golf is all that matters. Don’t kill your group’s vibe by cursing every shot and moaning about how you ‘never play this badly’.
Giving unsolicited swing tips
You might see one of your buddies struggling with their game and feel they could be better enjoying their round if they make one simple tweak.
Before you go ahead and give them the benefit of your experience, we have a straightforward suggestion… don’t. If they want your help, they’ll ask for it. Even then, keep things general. Unsolicited swing advice is usually unwelcome.
What’s more, none of us are golf coaches. There’s every chance that ‘simple tip’ you offer up won’t stop your partner from stinking the place out. They could end up more frustrated.
Not shouting ‘FORE’
Golfers take a verbal battering for this in the professional game, and rightly so. A golf ball can do serious damage if it hits a fellow golfer, and regardless of whether it does cause injury, if you haven’t yelled ‘fore’, you can expect some sort of hostile reaction.
In reality, it’s a drama that you can easily avoid. If your ball slices or hooks in the general direction of another group, yell FORE as loudly as possible. Even if you’re unsure whether there’s anyone on the other fairway, give a quick, loud yell.
It costs you nothing – and could save you from a few glares, colourful expletives, or worse when your paths inevitably cross.
Hitting up on other groups
If there’s a group up ahead and they’re reachable with your best strike, it’s best to give them the time to play their shots and move on up the fairway or towards the next tee. Hitting your ball toward fellow golfers is both dangerous and disrespectful.
When you have a particularly slow group ahead, and the general pace of play isn’t holding them up, they should let you play through. If they don’t make way after a few holes and the pace of play is becoming unacceptably slow, have a respectful word on the next tee, and that should get you moving along.
Standing in the wrong place
On the tee, it can be off-putting when a playing partner is standing out of sight or in your peripheral vision. It’s best to avoid standing behind any golfer who is teeing off or directly behind their ball.
If you stand well back and in line with their chest, they will see you and know you’re well outside their swing path.
Keep an eye on where you’re standing on the green in relation to any player who’s getting ready to putt. On early mornings and late afternoons, when the sun is lowest in the sky, you cast long shadows that can stray into your playing partner’s line.
Not helping partners look for their ball
When you’ve found your ball (hopefully bang centre of the fairway), it’s good etiquette to help your wayward playing partner find theirs. These days a golfball hunt is limited to three minutes, but you can make yourself the hero of the hour by helping locate a ball buried in deep rough.
Not only is it good etiquette, but when your tee shot heads towards a jungle-like spot later in the round, you’ll have a guy on your side who wants to reciprocate and recover your ball.
Stepping on someone’s line
Pretty obvious this one. Even if you’ve only been playing for a while, you’ll know that stepping on a playing partner’s line on the green is one of the cardinal sins in golf.
You should avoid stepping anywhere on the likely line between each ball marker and the hole. Whether stepping on that line makes a visible indentation isn’t really the point. It’s still possible that your footprint will have altered the ball’s path to the hole.
And besides that, it’s just a matter of golf etiquette and basic respect.
If you’re with a group of friends and none of you mind, that’s great. But when you’re playing competitive golf and step on someone’s line – perhaps even more than once – you could be in for an earful.